Sanivar supply pipe liners to extend asset life on water and wastewater networks. Our liners are pressure tested to 32 bar and therefore ideal for renovation of pressure pipe systems.
SaniTube is an innovative technology that requires no curing and is a winch through liner held in place by pressure. It has providence across Europe on Water and Waste networks and is already used in UK on Waste networks and with Reg31 approval pending it is a game changing technology to meet PR19 Outcomes.
Rising Main Refurbishment
Sanivar completed a 200m refurbishment of a corroded Ductile Iron main working alongside Framework Contractors MMB and Peter Duffys. The existing main ran under critical non infrastructure assets making an open cut option impossible. The 200mm diameter main included a 45 degree bend and tapered out to 250mm at the exit point.
SaniTube proved an optimum solution due to its innovative properties that :
- Accommodated working pressures uti 9 bar
- Allowed for navigation of bend and tapers without the need for further excavation
- Provided an efficient and safe installation and early return to service

The above images show the installation of SaniTube to refurbish a 110mm PVC Rising Main on Anglian Water network. The installation was completed by Public Sewer Services an AWS Framework Partner.
The job was in an area with customer and environmental challenges, the main was leaking into a local watercourse beneath the bridge deckand was adjacent to a popular footpath, additionally the road bridge was a single access point to the local community and any lengthy closure would necessitate a detour of some 10 miles.
SaniTube, through its winch through installation method met these challenges .
Apply for Sample Box

SANIVAR have prepared Sample boxes for distribution to delegates. The boxes include both SaniTube and SanilLne products and hard and electronic copies of Case Studies, Technical Data and Installation Videos.
To apply for a Box please e mail Tim Farley ( tim@sanivar.co.uk) detailing :
Despatch Address
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss any potential projects with Clients / Contractors. Please call me on 07761 512636
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