Siltbuster Process Solutions
We specialise in the hire, sale, design, construction and commissioning of wastewater and water treatments solutions for the Water Industry across the UK.
Our modular transportable systems have been specifically designed to maximise the treatment capacity within a small footprint. Responding quickly we provide our equipment for site emergency work (for unforeseen/unplanned events or plant failure), essential planned asset maintenance and to provide additional treatment capacity.
Llys y Frân – Temporary WwTW
Llys y Frân WwTW - Client: Young Bros (Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water)
SPS designed and installed a bespoke small-scale complete WwTW solution that primarily consisted of two HB20 units, tasked with separating suspended solids and associated organic matter from the waste stream, and an MBBR10, which provides the biological treatment stage.
The MBBR10 is our smallest mixed bed bioreactor which uses a duty/standby air blower system to provide the required oxygen, and to keep the media moving and enable the soluble organic matter to be broken down by the fixed film micro-organisms which grow on the media. This biomass is then settled out in the downstream HB20 Lamella settlement tank acting as the secondary settlement tank, with the clear liquid then discharged to the existing final effluent discharge point. The settled sludges from both HB20s were pumped to a local sludge storage tank, with the desludge frequency controlled by means of an adjustable timing system on the pump skid.

Our aim is to be able to supply a wide range of ‘lift & shift’ treatment solutions that can be delivered, installed and commissioned, often at short notice, to supplement or replace the existing processes when the need arises.
SPS have a range of equipment available for Hire or to Purchase providing additional capacity on site for:
- Settlement (Lamella settlement units)
- Liquids separation (Dissolved Air Floatation units – DAFs)
- Biological treatment (Mixed Bed Bioreactors – MBBRs)
Please contact Siltbuster on 01600 772256 to discuss your requirements.
Porlock Modular WwTW
Porlock WRC - Client: NMCN (Wessex Water)
Video courtesy of NMCN
SPS installed three streams, each consisting of an HB50M Lamella Primary Clarifier, MBBR30 Biological Treatment Unit and D25 Secondary DAF to treat the whole flow of 21.7 l/s to a standard that allowed polishing via temporary tidal storage and UV (by others) before discharge.
Lletty Brongu WwTW - Humus solids removal

Lletty Brongu WwTW - Client: JN Bentley/MMB (Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water)
Siltbuster Process Solutions worked closely with the client (JN Bentley and Mott MacDonald) provide a suitable solution capable of treating 50% of the works Full Flow to Treatment (FFT). One Splitter tank was used to split the flows of up to 108 l/s three-ways to three SPS D100 DAFs for solids/liquids separation of the unsettled trickling filter effluent prior to discharge.
SPS supported the client throughout the 8 week Hire period to ensure that the discharge consent was never at risk.
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