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Bluewater Bio

Bluewater Bio is an award-winning global specialist in technologies for cost-effective water & wastewater treatment. Headquartered in London, Bluewater Bio’s range of best in class technologies have been deployed at over 100 sites globally.

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FilterClear installation for Welsh Water at Dyserth STW

As part of DCWW’s AMP 6 P removal programme, Bluewater Bio where successful in securing the tertiary solids removal (TSR) plant at Dyserth in North Wales.


DFMA principles were adopted with the FilterClear system which is designed to treat 29l/s, and consists of 3 x 1260 mm diameter vessels including the backwashing system, instrumentation and controls, supplied to site on a pre wired and factory tested skid.


Despite COVID-19 restrictions coming starting in March this year, the FilterClear plant was successfully commissioned and operational and comfortably achieving the new WFD TP consent of 0.5mg/l.

FilterClear installation @ Dyserth STW, Welsh Water
Horizontal filter configuration for desal pre-treatment
FilterClear installation @ Hayfield STW (United Utilities)
FilterClear installation @ Ledbury STW (Severn Trent)

To cater for a wide range of process flow and load conditions, FilterClear is available in a selection of vessels diameters, and for larger flows we adopt a horizontal vessel configuration. All FilterClear solutions adopt 4 different filtration media types, and an overall bed depth of 900mm which provides true depth filtration. The design ensures consistent performance throughout the range of units from the smallest 5l/s industrial plant up the larger horizontal units, for example Kaust treats up to 1333l/s of sea water prior to reverse osmosis.


FilterClear is proving highly successful with the more demanding < 0.5mg/ TP consents now coming into play in England and Wales, Hayfield STW in United Utilities as an example uses single point ferric addition to satisfy a 0.5mg/l TP consent, FFT 29l/s. Ledbury STW in Severn Trent is a larger plant, FFT 132l/s satisfying a 0.3mg/l TP consent.

Introduction to HYBACS - Award-winning HYBrid ACtivated Sludge process

HYBACS – HYBrid ACtivated Sludge


The HYBACS process enables an existing activated sludge process to be upgraded to treat roughly double the flow and load, using a unique biological pre-treatment reactor.


The SMART unit develops a dense attached biomass which naturally accelerates the rate at which complex molecules are hydrolysed, enabling the aeration tank to accept double the load. What’s more, pre-hydrolysis encourages growth of large, dense which settle quickly.

HYBACS Case Study – Newquay STW

HYBACS installation @ Newquay STW (South West Water)

Each August, Newquay’s population rises from around 50,000 to over 200,000 during the Boardmasters Festival. In 2018, Bluewater Bio upgraded the oxidation ditch at Newquay STW to operate as a HYBACS process by installing 4 SMART units.


Following the success at Newquay, South West Water and their contractors have selected HYBACS for other upgrade projects.


HYBACS has also been successfully applied at Ashbourne (Severn Trent) and Whaley Bridge (United Utilities) and over 30 more plants around the world.

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