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AMP7 - Remote Working

Afan Installation checks

Arup, Morgan Sindall, Welsh Water and RSP completed flow monitor installation checks at Afan, while minimising on-site presence.   








This innovative approach allowed business as usual to continue whilst ensuring public and worker safety

  • Extra preparation was carried out prior to the day

  • Detailed instructions to the site team were provided, including a What3Words route map and the reasons behind each flow monitor location.

  • Everyone not present on site was available all day.

  • Using a WhatsApp group and video calls the whole team, (the team on site and remote) were able to answer questions and discuss solutions.

AMP6 - Innovation - Installation checks.

Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)

At Cardiff Western District SPS, Welsh Water, Arup, Morgan Sindall and AECOM worked remotely using Teams to witness Shenton Group’s successful Factory Acceptance Testing for the new 1.4MVA generators.


15 people dialed into the video conference and all parties involved collaborated cohesively. Tests were witnessed via remote connectivity to the test laptop, plus the party on site filmed aspects on their mobile phone.


The use of Teams to facilitate a live stream FAT, reduced the amount of people physically attending the site.


Therefore directly reducing the travel time and costs, not to mention a positive impact to our carbon footprint.

AMP6 - Innovation - FAT 2.png
AMP6 - Innovation - FAT 1.jpg

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