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AMP7 - UCD Tool

New digital option drawing tool, QUICK-COST, is web-based for simple, widespread use.


The tool enables quick drafting, costing, and assessment of solutions using an intuitive web-based system. It allows the user to draw any element from Welsh Water’s unit cost database (UCD) – e.g. manholes, pipes, CSOs, RainScape, storage, pump stations, primary settlement tanks – in their web browser and the tool outputs associated costs (and soon carbon and OPEX) in real time. AMP7 General Innovation


This tool benefits the Alliance by standardizing and automating the option drawing process. Within the QUICK-COST tool, components have been mapped based on the UCD so that when users add a point, line, or polygon (e.g. manhole, sewer, or swale, respectively) the specific associated selection filter and yardstick fields are displayed, with relevant drop downs from a pre-populated list that allow for speed and uniformity of design

AMP6 - Innovation - ucd tool.png
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