FLEXIM Instruments UK Ltd
FLEXIM manufactures Water & Wastewater clamp-on flow metering; installed without any customer supply outages. Pipe sizes <4” to >6m and in all materials are possible. Sewage Pumping Station metering, leakage, large diameter trunk mains, DMAs, RAS, SAS, Flow to Full Treatment, Pass Forward Flow and MCERTS flow are all available. Easily and cost-effectively installed, with zero outages and virtually zero maintenance.
Metering Sewage Pumping Stations
Frequently the available space within Sewage Pumping Stations is in short demand. FLEXIM meters have been well proven in use either buried, or installed in excavations retrofitted with low-cost RapidStack chambers. Install more metering, more effectively at lower cost and with zero supply interruption.
Mag Meter Replacers, Large Ø Reservoir and Trunk Main Metering
Cost-effective metering on large diameter pipes. Dead electromagnetic flowmeter? Don’t remove, with all the associated costs and supply interruption. Simply clamp-on available pipe in the same chamber. Large diameter reservoir or trunk main meters - 42", 60", 1.8m - no problem and much lower cost than inline! No need for costly civils work, bypasses, valves and inline meters - simply clamp-on! Zero outage during installation.
Composite Pipes
FLEXIM works on the most challenging of pipes. PCCP - Pre-Stressed Concrete Cylindrical Pipes such as this Concrete and Steel reinforced Bonna pipe with 5m circumference!
MCERTS metering
FLEXIM clamp-on metering for MCERTS discharge applications has been installed at numerous sites and works on some of the oldest, most ugly of pipes.
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