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Strategic Response 5
Achieving acceptable water quality for all customers
Ageing water mains and more extreme weather events increase the risk of supplying water which is discoloured or
has a poor taste. This will be addressed through a targeted replacement of iron mains.
SR5 - Achieving acceptable water quality for all customers with Amanda Soady
Cadarnhau Presenoldeb
Improving the acceptability of water quality for
customers is a current priority for us. This
strategic response will involve the targeted
replacement of up to 11,000km of cast iron
water mains with more reliable plastic pipes,
creating a more secure supply for our customers
with improved water quality and reducing
leakage, supporting strategic response 2,
“Enough water for all”.
Cadarnhau Presenoldeb
Welsh Water will explore the following research
topics to support this strategic response:
• Undertake holistic zonal studies to prioritise
pipe replacement and maximise the positive
impact on customer service;
• Chemical free treatment processes, for
example, through catalysis;
• Develop more cost effective methods of pipe
replacement including new reinstatement
technologies (including ‘no dig’ techniques),
new more efficient materials, ecological
assessments, and jointing methods; and
• Research new pipe cleaning techniques
(including self cleaning).
We will work with our supply chain to achieve
cost effective and less disruptive pipe
Cadarnhau Presenoldeb
If you would like to find out more about all the Strategic Responses please CLICK HERE
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