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Martin Shouler

Arup London Water Group Leader

The City Water Resilience Approach (CWRA) responds to a demand for innovative approaches and tools that help stakeholders and communities involved in the water cycle collaboratively build water resilience at an urban scale. It was developed to help cities provide safer and more secure water resources for their citizens and protect communities and property from water-related shocks and stresses. It recognises that resilience requires a systems-based approach to avoid cascading and widespread failures. It provides a globally applicable, transparent, objective and evidence-based approach to bring together water and city stakeholders to develop a shared understanding of water resilience of a city and collaboratively develop and implement a resilient action plan. The City Water Resilience Approach has been implemented to develop Resilience Action Plans in Cape Town during the Day Zero drought and Miami, which is facing unprecedented sea level rise. The City Water Resilience Approach has been developed in partnership with eight cities, the Rockefeller Foundation, World Bank, Resilience Shift and Stockholm International Water Institute and 100 Resilient Cities. In this presentation, we will share the approach and how it could be adopted for cities and towns in Wales to develop collaborative action plans that bring stakeholders together to deliver multiple benefits for customers and the environment.

In this presentation, we will showcase the steps of the City Water Resilience Approach to bring stakeholders (for example, local government, utilities and NGOs) together to develop resilient action plans to deliver multiple benefits for customers and the environment. We will showcase the tools that support the approach and two case studies from Cape Town and Miami.

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