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AMP6 - Storm Overflow
Assessment Framework (SOAF)

Morgan Sindall managed two SOAF Trials in AMP6. The first involved a desktop and water quality sampling assessment of 3 sites across Wales going through the full SOAF process, from Stage 1 to 4. The Trial fed back to Welsh Water, who then fed back how SOAF could be implemented in AMP7. Welsh Water incorporated the findings to agree the approach with the NRW and EA. The second trial concentrated on Stages 1 and 2. Our in-house survey crews were trained to carry out FR466 watercourse amenity assessments, as well as micro-invertebrate sampling.

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AMP7 - Storm Overflow Assessment Framework (SOAF)

Anchor 1

In AMP7, Arup and Morgan Sindall will be aiding Welsh Water in their continued SOAF Projects. We look forward to working with them from Stage 1 through to Stage 5. Currently, we have projects spanning Stage 1 and Stage 2 investigations.


How you can help?

We would be interested to hear from you, if you can assist, provide support on the following:

  • Stage 1 Investigations – Flow surveys, Asset Surveys, Modelling Investigations

  • Stage 2 Investigations – Micro-invertebrate Sampling & Water Quality sampling / modelling

  • Stage 3 - Wider Benefits Assessment / Auto-optimisation tools

Additional Information

SOAF RainScape Optimiser Tool

On-going population growth, urban creep, infiltration and changing rainfall patterns will add significant flows to our networks and so further increase the likelihood of discharges from storm overflows - with the environmental and reputational impacts that implies.


The SOAF process looks at ‘high spilling’ assets and determines efficient, cost effective means of reducing this.


Rainscape can both help to improve the quality of surface water and reduce the quantity of surface water in the sewerage system. Rainscape also provides the potential for wider social benefits by engaging stakeholders into the management of the solutions and providing additional health and amenity benefits to people and the environment.


As such, rainscape is a key part of delivering SOAF targets.


New RainScape Potential Mapper technology can be used to massively improve this process of determining the locations for RainScape.


The benefits of this approach include the ability to trade off different aims – flow removal, cost or wider benefits – in real time, to rapidly pinpoint areas for further investigation. To consider multiple drivers simultaneously when making decisions.

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