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AMP6 - CSO/Pumping Station

During AMP6 the team constructed & refurbished several pumping stations & Combined Sewer Overflows(CSO's). These included work on some key assets within the Welsh Water portfolio to ensure they performed as required to meet regulatory requirements. Survey information gathered & collated during both the CSO verification project & the Event Duration Monitoring (EDM) installation project informed the design teams and enabled tailored cost-effective solutions to be developed. A mixture of in-situ & off-site pre-packaged construction methods were used to optimise the construction phase.

AMP7 - CSO/Pumping Station

Anchor 1

The work started in AMP6 will continue during AMP7, with a focus on reducing costs using innovation through the design & construction process

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Mae'r digwyddiad a'r wefan hon wedi'i chynllunio a'i rheoli gan Production 78 mewn partneriaeth â Thîm Digwyddiadau Cyngor Caerdydd.

Hawlfraint © 2020 Production 78 Cyf. Nid yw Production 78 yn gyfrifol am gynnwys gwefannau allanol

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